पहले ही भेजे जा चुके पत्र : 21837
बेतीतीब पत्र
सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय
Now listen closely. You're free and most likely happier, now that you never have to listen to mr. mann go on about how america is cancer, or Joeys SJW bullshit, or having to wake up at 7:00 every...

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

hi sarvagya kesa hai kya hal chal hai.This is d way u r sending letter to yourself.wish u a best of luck for ur CA exams. u will definitely become CA in 1st attempt so try ur level best n be a CA...

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

Hey, Happy 28th birthday! Today's date is the 8th January 2012 and I'm currently 17, doing A levels and avoiding revision for January A2 modules. At the moment I have uni offers from Reading,...

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

I will be a soccer player I will drive a courvette

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

Džiugai, mano angele, :) nežinau ar dar esame kartu ir ar dar mane pameni (visgi praėjo 10 metų), bet noriu tau pasakyti, jog visada buvai ir būsi pats nuostabiausias žmogus kokį man teko...

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

आज का वाक्‍यांश
वादा सृजित करें
एक पत्र लिखें