पहले ही भेजे जा चुके पत्र : 21806
बेतीतीब पत्र
सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय
I hope this message has found it’s way to you. I hope you have managed to figure it all out, the ins and outs of life. I hope you have found the place you pictured yourself you would be. And...

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

Хей, привет, Андрей! На момент, когда я отправлю, мне скоро 15. Ты получишь его где-то в 25 году, если доживешь,...

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

привет! если ты забыла, то в конце 2023 года ты писала себе же письмо в будущее. решила я отправить его себе...

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

Dear Quinn Saggio, Juin 6, 2013 Hi Me.Umm... How are you?GOOD?Do I call you You or Me?Anyway I\'m good.I think you will be a MILLIONAIRE!Maybe. Who are...

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

Well, i don't really know what to say besides keep studying and looking over the notes we do in class and also try your best. Always try to smile and be happy as much as possible. Gotta raise that...

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

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