पहले ही भेजे जा चुके पत्र : 21806
बेतीतीब पत्र
सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय
Maybe if they still brought people in this year still and even if I did hire somebody to help to make sure I do what is right for me and my future so I can hopefully be around in that other year...

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

Dear, My heart is feeling weird. Maybe it's hurt, for failed expectations? Yes i guess so.. failed expectations. I expected attention from someone and didn't get.... but good, at least it's now...

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

Привет! Ну как ты там в будущем? Настали ли тяжелые времена? Начались ли великие потрясения? Жив ли ты? Если...

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

Sveikas, Rašau šį laišką per paskutiniuosius mokslo metus gimnazijoje. Žinau, kad šitie metai bus sunkiausi, jie gali nulemti mano ateitį ir tiesą pasakius aš jos neisivaizduoju tai...

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

Hello Kyle, You will probably forget you have written this. I just finished my first summer at Tip and I am sitting in Karen and Marshall's apartment, they are planing to move next month, and...

पूरा पत्र पढ़ें

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