Dear Biz,
Hey, it's me! Well, err, you, I guess. ^_^ I hope you're doing well, mostly because it means I'm doing well. I know you're happier in Ohio, even if you miss your Texas family....
Labas, Mama ir Teti :)
Man jau 30 metų. Kaip baisu, kai pagalvoji, kad laišką rašau būdama 20 :) liko nepilnos 3 dienos ir gimsiu 21 kartą. Che, keistas tas gyvenimas kai
Ahoj Kočičko,
dneska je to přesně rok od našeho rozchodu. Píšu tento dopis z naší mandalové pohovky a vstřebávám tu bolest a smutek, který jsme si způsobili. Neuvěřitelně mě...
Dear old me!
I wrote this letter in 2017, but you read this letter in 2027 WOW! It's CRAZY! You are 25 years old! I don't believe it! Now, I am 15 years old, I live in Taillan-Médoc with my...