पहले ही भेजे जा चुके पत्र : 22167
बेतीतीब पत्र
सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय
से : Solomon
लिखा गया : 17-08-2024
भेज दिया जाएगा : 10-06-2029
Wassup bum,this is you from last year.. You mightve made new friends through bootcamp,or have done something totally different. Either way,I just hope I'm not on the streets. I wouldnt have gotten this letter if I was. So make money. LOTS OF MONEY. GET BITCHES. Well,maybe not that. Just make lots of money and make fun of bums. Actually,don't make fun of bums. Honestly,I don't how much is enough money so lets (being me in the future) just set a goal of $10,000.99 cents. There that's a totally realistic goal. Now,are you rizzing?? Has anyone caught your interest? Are you rizz-maxxing?? If not,keep trying!! Don't be creepy. Just don't ok?
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