पहले ही भेजे जा चुके पत्र : 22167
बेतीतीब पत्र
सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय
से : MJ
लिखा गया : 05-09-2024
भेज दिया जाएगा : 05-06-2030
Hi, it's me again, writing for the nth time (and definitely not the last). But today, I’m writing in a different light. There’s been a shift within me—I don’t know exactly what it is, but it feels new, like a realization I didn’t see coming. I know this feeling won’t be with me every day, but for now, I’m embracing it.

For context, I’ve been in a bit of a slump for the past few weeks—maybe three. The person I thought I had that rare connection with? Yeah, they pulled a Houdini on me. Since then, I’ve dabbled here and there, talked to a few people on Reddit. Some accidentally fell in love (oops, not my intention), some were cool with what I had to offer, and others just passed through. I’ve chatted with chefs, lawyers, CPAs, and even a business owner—but the one who left the biggest impression on me? A painter. An artist. A really hot one, too. If only she hadn’t ghosted me, I might have risked it all for her.

I only played around the reddit because I wanted to understand—was it all just casual? A game? I mean, at some point, I want to believe some of it was real, wasn’t it? But then, I realized how naive I’d been. Foolish, even, for thinking you meant every word you said. It hit me that people are so easy to misread—and that made me sad and angry. Even worse, I found myself doing the same thing to others that you did to me.

For that, I’m sorry. To those people, I wish them well and apologize for what I’ve done. I'll do better than this. I'll stick to my beliefs and principles. I'll be better promise.
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