पहले ही भेजे जा चुके पत्र : 21901
बेतीतीब पत्र
सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय
से : Nate
लिखा गया : 01-07-2015
भेज दिया जाएगा : 01-11-2021
This is message for yourself, myself. As of today, you're trying to search for something to believe in, and you fail. You search for someone to be in a relationship with, but of course they won't be with you anytime soon, you're on your own, and now trying to start a new progress in your life. This dream will make you a philosopher for yourself, you won't benefit anything from now on, as you think that life is more important than anything, by the time you realize it, it's the time to look back Nate. This desperate situation will give you courage, this social life that you live by now, it's poisonous, not good for you. As of today, the time to start planning your future world has come, you would regret everything that you've done, but set that regret aside, you'll found something that will give you more courage that I am now. It's for the future me, you, myself. I want to see the courage in your eyes once again, this burning passion should never be forgotten by you. I will tell you, me, my plan from now on.

The first thing you should do is understand that everything that happened to you, not all of them happened for a reason. You should have known that by now, you should've see all the thing you don't want to see, you lose your most trusted friends, but some will stay with you and even give you courage, some will come and go, believe in no one but yourself, you should've understand that you can try to live on your own, it's now or never, don't trust all the people that you will meet after today, be happy, smile, you'll regret nothing, the only thing you'll regret is why you can't do this sooner. My dream as of today, is to know what life is, why we live, why we found each other, why we never found the essence of this life. I'm a big liar, you too Nate, yes we live in a society where lie is the truth, you should never let them see your true depressed self, I believe that when you read this for the last time, you've found someone that capable of handling you, you're a big liar and a big jerk, you can't even promise yourself that you'll change, cause you never change. I would like to see you in the future, maybe 5 or more years after I write this letter, by then, I hope I'll see you with someone, or maybe you've got a really good time right now. I really excited to see you if you could come back to this timeline.

I believe that everything you've been dreaming of, will always be in your heart. Today, I start planning, for myself, I will shed many tears doing this planning, and of course I've spent some money to get it done. Remember and always remember, you're alone in this world, you'll face your God face to face without others that you've helped until now, but I want you to keep helping them, I know it's hard, but I want you to believe that you're different, you're you, and you should never let others to interfere with you being you.

Kita ga akan tau apa yang akan terjadi di depan sana, kita ga akan tau apa-apa tentang dunia, hanya pandangan kita yang mungkin sudah berubah. Ingat bahwa jalur yang kita tetapkan saat ini adalah jalur yang akan kurang lebih luar biasa jauh, ingat kenapa kita memulai untuk melakukan ini. Kita, tidak akan pernah tahu apa-apa kalau kita tidak melakukan ini. We're travelling, dan itu yang akan kita lakukan sepanjang hidup kita, cari tempat yang nyaman suatu saat nanti, ingat bahwa kita akan membuat suatu sekolah di tanah air yang kita impikan selama ini. Ini tujuan jangka panjang, dan mulai detik ini, aku akan berjuang untuk perjalanan kita, dan saat kita kembali membaca tulisan ini, kita tersenyum, betapa bodohnya kita tidak melakukan ini lebih cepat. Kita adalah makhluk egois, dan itulah kita, manusia. Ingat kenapa kamu pertama kali ingin melakukan perjalanan ini, setiap kali jatuh, ingat lagi, setiap kali jenuh, ingat lagi, setiap kali tidak ada jalan keluar ingat lagi. Kita ingin belajar dari kehidupan, kita tidak mengikuti orang lain, kita mengikuti bayangan kita sendiri. Karna kamu adalah aku, dan kamu adalah aku, dan aku sangat yakin bahwa waktu yang kita jalani selama perjalanan ini akan berakhir indah suatu saat nanti, sampai ketemu, our future self.

P.s: Jangan nyerah apapun yang kita lakukan saat lu baca surat ini, mungkin lu dalam proses yang akan makan waktu lama, tapi lu akan bahagia suatu saat nanti, yakin! And selamat ultah yang ke-27 bro, apapun yang lu lakuin saat ini, inget, kenapa lu menulis surat ini dan kenapa lu melakukan perjalanan ini, lu pasti bisa Nat! Thank you for being me all this entire years, Thank you so much XD


Nate (It's from you to you.)
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