Test letter to self
I will live in New York.
I will be rich and i will have island.
I will go to university.
I will have tattoo .
I will have big house.
I will act in film.
I will have two big cars.
Hey dad,
this letter has spent 1 month in the swiss alps as i am writing this on the 16th November 2012, its not really as fun at the ones im going to write for other birthdays for the family as...
Oggi e\' 11 gennaio 2013, dopo una notte come sempre senza dormire per colpa di Kotryna sembro un zombie. Ma quando comincera\' a dormire sta bestiolina, dopo 8 mesi non c\'era neanche una...
Niekada nepamiršk,jog gyvenimas nelaukia ,kol tu pasiryši.
Daryk, mylėk,negalvok, nesvarbu ką ir kaip.
Padaryk viską ,kad sekundė,kurioje esi būtų verta žodžio "Fantasmagoriška"....