baigiau žiūrėti prisijaukinimo meną.kvaila,bet ten viskas taip teisinga. ir ta banali mintis ,jog visada sakyk ,jei turi ką pasakyti. visada..nesvarbu kiek tai logiška ir kiek tai gali...
I joined AIESEC because I want to become a Leader. Before AIESEC I was a very good business manager but not a leader at all. So I want to Lead myself first and then my teammates as well. Because...
dear future self. This is really cool and look back at this moment and remember you need to do better and be happy with your life.
Happy Birthday (If this is on time)
Hope HighSchool Has been a great experience.
Good for your dreams!
¡Espero que estás como perfecto con su español! Es muy importante a mi....
Labas, siunčiu pabandymui tau laišką į netolimą ateitį.
Ar jau atradai gyvenimo esmę?
Tokius gausi kas met. :)
Teks susitaikyti :)
Kada moterys per daug kenčia? Kai per mažai...