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hi aiden you are the most savage kid in the world and the best baseball player and the world lil uzi is the best rapper of all time

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Ech, Was forced to Make another one of these, SO, I guess I'll just Put random shiz here. Holly, Gabe, and Sela are all bein Butz still, And Everything at the House is... Alright... I guess......

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Labas, Gabija. Rašau tau laišką 2013 metais, kovo 3 dieną.Turėtum gauti šią žinutę kai busi dvyliktokė, tiksliau, turėtum būti baigus dvylika klasių ir džiūgautum, kad visas tas...

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Sono passati 2 minuti dall'ultima lettera, sempre 31 ottobre. Ma ancora non ho mangiato, quindi la sitauzione sta peggiorando. Devo aggiungere qualche particolare a caso che mi sono dimenticato di...

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